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Acupuncture. The Original Biohack.


What is Integrative Health Care?

An evidence-based approach to treat the whole person using a combination of therapies such as...



Integrative medicine is a broad range of medical practices that are based on many years of tradition. With Acupuncture treatments your body and mind will feel free and clear of all worries and stressors that life places upon us. At the heart of this medicine are healing techniques which are based upon the principles of harmonizing the body. This allows free and uninterrupted energy to flow and help activate the natural healing processes in each patient as well as to restore their physical and emotional well-being. As a licensed practitioner of Acupuncture, Dr. Turner-Parker can help patients reduce their stress and anxiety, provide pain management assistance, and so much more!

Massage and Skin Care

Massage is not a luxury, it is a necessity. Myofascial release and the manipulation of soft tissue allow for pain free movements and for much needed relaxation of the muscles. The benefits of massage are endless and stress relief is just the beginning! 


Stop ignoring your skin! Today, our world is full of toxins and pollutants which age our skin and it is especially noticeable in our faces. Blue light from our phones and computers has been shown to be detrimental to our skin health! Facials are integral to our well-being and are an often overlooked part of our healthcare routine.

Bottles of Homeopathy Globules

We provide healthcare in a different way. Call or email us today to find out about our unique approach and to book a visit.

Medicinal Herbs


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